Be Young, Wild & Free

Champagne Sunday: Pre-Summer At Isola!

When I first started this blog portion of my online Isola Herbals store, I committed to writing Fountain of Youth Friday posts, all about what I had been learning about the youthful habits of people all over the world, and I wrote Champagne Sunday posts, about lifestyle, travel, cocktails, pescatarian recipes and other fun things I had wanted to share with you all.

Its been a wild few years here at my beautiful Isola property in the prairies of Alberta, with being a newlywed, my husband moving in, and some pretty big renovations to the property. I’m very fortunate that these renovations included my incredible greenhouse, built using century-old farmhouse windows! It was built in the fall of 2019, so this year is its second season in operation, and I’ve learned so much about the plants that like to grow in it and where, the soil, the humidity, and the spidery friends who have moved in to keep the other bugs out of my hair!

Our property renovations also included a new carriage house, where the loft of the barn houses my personal little ballet studio! I’ve been so grateful for that space as adult ballerinas have been locked out of our studios for 11 out of the last 15 months, and ballet has quickly become a passion that I’m very dedicated to.

With everything that has been happening not only here at Isola, but in the world around us, Isola has been busier than ever! With the launch of our new non-comedogenic range of skincare, Isola Ballerina for exceptionally sensitive skin, and two new retailers showcasing our products, plus our herb and plant growing season in full swing, its time to start sharing by being back on the blog!

Some of our Isola favourites for springtime!

Be sure to follow our Instagram page, where we’re dedicated so showing our projects on our stories, and sign up for our VIP newsletter to be the first to see our new Summer 2021 collection!

I’ll be back to the blog every Champagne Sunday to toast to the week behind us, the week ahead of us, and the beautiful new season of color and warmth.


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